In order to meet legal requirements, we provide the following information: Magnetic field therapy is scientifically controversial and is not recognized by conventional medicine.

About AMS

Hello and welcome!

In this section you can find out more about us and our company. Get to know the managing director Dr. Frank Beck and the entire team, read about Dr. Ludwig, the father of magnetic field therapy, and watch informative short videos.

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who we are

Here you can find out some key facts about the AMS GmbH.

Dr. Frank Beck

He is the Managing Director of AMS and has an eventful past. His path led him from sporting highlights and a demanding chemistry degree to Dr. Ludwig and magnetic field therapy.


The AMS consists of a whole small group friendly and hardworking people – and also a few animals. Get to know them a little better here.

AMSDr. Ludwig

What would magnetic field therapy be without him? It would not exist – because Dr. rer. nat. W. Ludwig is its Inventors and developersAs a physicist, he loved the challenge of research and development. Read more about this unique man in this section.

AMS film portraits

There are also some moving pictures about us. Here you can see older and newer Video contributions of different origins.